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World Trade Organization (Wto) 2017 World Trade Statistical Review 2017 Geneva Switzerland


E-Learning on International Merchandise Trade Statistics
Organized jointly by UNSD, UNCTAD, in cooperation with WTO

  • xv March to 23 Apr 2021

Main goals of the course are to raise statisticians' ability to utilise the most recent internationally agreed recommendations on IMTS, define best possible information sources, ready adequate (or enforce existing) drove systems, and raise statistics compilation and product processes. The course focuses on the post-obit topics: Conceptual Framework, Institutional System, Production and Compilation, Metadata and Quality, Broadcasting and Analysis and New Areas of Piece of work. Furthermore, the course emphasises the importance of quality, metadata, timely dissemination, and links to economic analysis and national policy objectives. The course enhances trainees' chapters to brand amend use of the internationally agreed guidance, specially the IMTS Concepts and Definitions 2010 and the related Compilers Manual.

Cours de germination Ă  altitude sur les Statistiques du Commerce International des Marchandises
Organisé par DSNU et la CNUCED, en coopération avec 50'OMC

  • fifteen mars - 23 avril 2021

Les principaux objectifs sont de renforcer l'aptitude des statisticiens à appliquer les recommandations les plus récentes sur les SCIM, décidées au niveau international, à identifier les meilleures sources de données, à mettre en place des outils adaptés à la collecte des données et à améliorer les modalités d'élaboration des statistiques. De plus, le cours insiste sur la qualité, les métadonnées, la diffusion des statistiques ainsi que sur 50'apport des SCIM à l'analyse économique et la formulation d'objectifs nationaux de politique économique.


Regional Workshop on Statistics of International Trade in Services (SITS)
Organized Jointly by Un ECLAC and UNSD in collaboration with WTO

  • Virtual, ix-xi December 2020

Economic globalization facilitated by the adoption of digital technology has accelerated international merchandise in services. The irresolute patterns and dynamics of international trade present new measurement challenges, but also new opportunities for international trade statistics in services to use not-traditional in addition to traditional data sources and methods. Recently, the Covid-19 pandemic is too impacting the international merchandise in services in many ways. This workshop is an opportunity for countries to share their experiences and challenges in the compilation of SITS, specially on challenging categories. The objectives of the workshop include: advancing the implementation of the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services 2010 (MSITS 2010) recommendations, especially with an in-depth focus on most challenging categories of Trade in Services; enhancing capacities to produce high quality information and meet an increased demand for timely and relevant data for policy needs in the Decade of Action and era of Covid-19 pandemic; raising awareness of the development of a statistical conceptual framework for measuring digital trade in services; and building capacities of national statistical offices and other relevant agencies in the use of applied science for SITS.

Joint GCC STAT - UNSD Regional Workshop on Future of International Merchandise Merchandise Statistcs
Organized jointly by UNSD and GCC-STAT

  • 9 - 11 November 2020

Economic globalization, advancement in engineering and the emergence of Big Information nowadays many new challenges, merely also new opportunities for International Merchandise Statistics in goods and services. Furthermore, the Covid-xix pandemic has made the measurement of digital trade and e-commerce more pertinent.
The objective of the workshop is to assistance countries in better understanding the concepts and definitions of IMTS-2010 and its implementation, only also improve capacity in new and emerging areas.

E-Learning Grade on Statistics of International Merchandise in Services
Organized jointly by UNSD, UNCTAD, in cooperation with WTO

  • 21 September - 30 Oct 2020

Main goals of the grade are to enhance the capacity of trade statisticians to use the about recent internationally agreed recommendations as independent in the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services 2010 (MSITS 2010); to ascertain best possible data sources; to set up or enforce drove systems; and to strengthen statistical production processes. Furthermore, the course would enhance awareness of SITS and its concepts, raise statisticians' capacity, and aid them to better understand the MSITS 2010.

Cours d'apprentissage en ligne TrainForTrade sur les statistiques du commerce international des services
Organisé conjointement par la DSNU et la CNUCED en coopération avec l'OMC

  • 21 Septembre - 30 Octobre 2020

L'objectif de ce cours est d'améliorer la capacité des statisticiens du commerce à appliquer les recommandations les plus récentes du Manuel des statistiques du commerce international des services 2010 (MSCIS 2010) adoptées au niveau international, de définir les meilleures sources de données possibles, de mettre en place ou appliquer des systèmes de collecte, et de renforcer les processus de production statistique.

Cours de formation Ă  distance sur les Statistiques du Commerce International des Marchandises
Organisé par l'ONU, CNUCED, en coopération avec fifty'OMC

  • ane juin – x juillet 2020

Les principaux objectifs sont de renforcer l'aptitude des statisticiens à appliquer les recommandations les plus récentes sur les SCIM, décidées au niveau international, à identifier les meilleures sources de données, à mettre en identify des outils adaptés à la collecte des données et à améliorer les modalités d'élaboration des statistiques. De plus, le cours insiste sur la qualité, les métadonnées, la diffusion des statistiques ainsi que sur l'apport des SCIM à l'analyse économique et la formulation d'objectifs nationaux de politique économique.

Automated Identification Organization (AIS) Data Week
Global Working Group on Big Data for Official Statistics

  • ix – 13 March 2020

AIS data is data from the automatic identification arrangement of vessels and tin can be used to become, among others, timely indicators about trade, line-fishing, and ships in distress. The AIS Task Team consisting of members around the globe volition be bachelor during data week to present case studies, to run lawmaking and to respond the questions users have on connecting with the platform, getting the data and calculating indicators for their employ.

Due east-Learning on International Merchandise Merchandise Statistics
Organized jointly past UNSD, UNCTAD, in cooperation with WTO

  • xvi March - 24 April 2020

Master goals of the form are to enhance statisticians' ability to use the most recent internationally agreed recommendations on IMTS, define best possible data sources, set up adequate (or enforce existing) collection systems, and enhance statistics compilation and production processes. The course focuses on the post-obit topics: Conceptual Framework, Institutional Arrangement, Production and Compilation, Metadata and Quality, Dissemination and Analysis and New Areas of Work. Furthermore, the course emphasises the importance of quality, metadata, timely dissemination, and links to economic assay and national policy objectives. The course enhances trainees' capacity to make amend use of the internationally agreed guidance, particularly the IMTS Concepts and Definitions 2010 and the related Compilers Manual.

Regional Preparation Workshop on Economic Statistics SDMX

  •  Manila, Philippines
  •  24-28 February 2020

The UNSD in collaboration with ADB, Asean, and European union-Association of southeast asian nations ARISE project will conduct a Regional Preparation Workshop on Economic Statistics SDMX targeting 10 Southeast Asia countries. The workshop will bring together the subject area affair and It experts from institutions responsible in the compilation of SNA and IMTS in Southeast Asia region. Interested regional organizations in Asia volition be too attending. Part of the objectives of the workshop are: To train subject area matters experts on specific global SDMX Data Construction Definitions of SNA and IMTS, teach IT experts on diverse SDMX tools and to help statisticians and IT experts in implementing SDMX by conducting mapping exercises betwixt a national database and SDMX lawmaking lists for specific domain.


Regional Workshop on International Merchandise Merchandise Statistics
International Merchandise Statistics: Edge of Tomorrow

  • Nur-Sultan, Commonwealth of Republic of kazakhstan
  • 14-fifteen November 2019

The primary objective of the workshop is to develop a strategic action a plan in the field of international trade statistics that will provide users with up-to-date data relevant to contemporary challenges, outline new opportunities for data collection and draw a "roadmap" for the midterm development of external and mutual trade statistics in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) region. Furthermore, the workshop will aim to further enhance capacity of trade statisticians to apply the near recent internationally agreed recommendations (IMTS 2010) and to raise awareness on emerging measurement bug such as e-commerce statistics and big data for IMTS.

Regional Workshop on International Trade Trade Statistics
Implementing IMTS 2010 Concepts and Definitions

  • Johannesburg, Southward Africa
  • 24-28 June 2019

The workshop is a continuation of an east-learning class on IMTS that was conducted from 25 March to 3 May 2019 with aims to further enhance the capacity of trade statisticians to apply the most recent internationally agreed recommendations - IMTS 2010 - and to raise sensation on emerging measurement bug such equally e-commerce statistics and big data for IMTS. It is expected that participants would undertake easily-on exercises and engage in grouping discussions.

2d Regional Training Workshop on Trade SDMX
Strengthening merchandise information reporting and exchange machinery

  • Tunis, Tunisia
  • xviii-22 February 2019

Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) is a preferred information manual standard on statistical information as noted in UN Statistical Commission study on Decision 12 on its xxx-ninth session (2008). And in addition, SDMX is an ISO standard (ISO 17369:2013) designed to depict statistical data and metadata, normalize data substitution and amend their efficient sharing beyond statistical and similar organizations. The African Matrimony Commission (AUC) and Un Statistics Division (UNSD) organize jointly the 2d Regional Training Workshop on Merchandise SDMX to raise awareness on SDMX-IMTS artifacts including information structure, concepts and code lists; and to train It experts and merchandise statisticians in using latest SDMX tools to map their trade database in to SDMX-IMTS output.


High Level Seminar on the Digital Economy

  • Bejing, China
  • 15-17 November 2018

The purpose of the loftier-level seminar is a) to raise awareness about the transformative impacts of digital technologies across our economies, societies and surroundings, b) to place policy, research and data gaps as well every bit ways to improve interdisciplinary actions on the measurement of digital economy, and c) to nowadays concrete proposals to strengthen cooperation for these deportment in an inclusive manner.

Regional Grooming Workshop on Trade SDMX
Strengthening trade data reporting and commutation mechanism

  • Tunis, Tunisia
  • 10-14 September 2018

Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) is a preferred data transmission standard on statistical data as noted in Un Statistical Commission report on Decision 12 on its 30-ninth session (2008). And in improver, SDMX is an ISO standard (ISO 17369:2013) designed to describe statistical information and metadata, normalize data exchange and improve their efficient sharing across statistical and similar organizations. The African Union Commission (AUC) and Un Statistics Sectionalization (UNSD) organize jointly the starting time Regional Grooming Workshop on Merchandise SDMX to raise awareness on SDMX-IMTS artifacts including data structure, concepts and code lists; and to railroad train Information technology experts and merchandise statisticians in using latest SDMX tools to map their trade database in to SDMX-IMTS output.

Practiced Group on Business Statistics Meeting
Organized by UNSD and the National Constitute of Statistics and Geography of United mexican states (INEGI)

  • Mexico Urban center, United mexican states
  • 23-25 May, 2018

In March 2017, the UN Statistical Commission endorsed the proposal to establish UN guidelines for statistical concern registers (SBR) based on existing guidelines, while considering the needs of countries with less-adult statistical systems by incorporating state cases applicative to a wide range of statistical systems. The Commission created for this purpose an good grouping to prepare not only the guidelines for SBR, but also to give guidance on problems of integrated business statistics, which includes the use of authoritative data for business and basic economic statistics, the choice of statistical units in the context of globalization, business statistics and the digital economy, and problems related to a large informal sector.

Regional validation workshop on International Merchandise Trade Statistics
Strengthening Information Compilation and Analytical Capacity

  • Port of Kingdom of spain, Trinidad and Tobago
  • 15-18 May 2018

Jointly organized by ACS, UNSD, and UNCTAD. the Regional validation workshop on International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) is organized as a follow-upward activity to the distance-learning form on International Merchandise Trade Statistics, delivered for the first fourth dimension (to more than 130 participants from 28 countries) to contribute to enhance the cognition and the capacity IMTS professionals, mainly from the English-speaking countries from the Caribbean region and Asia.

Meeting of the Skilful Group on international trade and economical globalization statistics
Handbook on Bookkeeping for Global Value Chains
Jointly organized by ISTAT and UNSD

  • Rome, Italy
  • 7-9 May, 2018

In its decision 46/107, the Un Statistical Commission established the Skillful Group on International Trade and Economic Globalization Statistics to accost these measurement challenges. The main chore of the Expert Grouping is to develop a handbook that will account for the measurement of GVCs, as described in various reports to the Committee on this topic in the by v years. Both the GVC perspective and the perspective of the national information compiler are key to agreement the composition of the handbook. However, with the realization of the cantankerous-country touch on of GVCs on the economical structure of partner countries, a multi-country perspective for those national industries that are included in major GVCs is encouraged in the handbook.


Un Comtrade Data Fair
Graduate Constitute's Middle for Trade and Economic Integration

  • Geneva, Switzerland
  • 25 September 2017

Just preceding the 2017 WTO Public Forum, the United Nations Statistics Division volition organize the get-go i-day Un Comtrade Data Off-white in close collaboration with the World Trade Organization and the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.The primary objective of this Off-white is to explicate and demonstrate the latest on international trade data and their belittling use for trade policies.

Regional Workshop on International Trade Trade Trade Statistics
Strengthening Data Compilation and Analytical Capacity

  • Suzhou, China
  • 11-13 September, 2017

In order to better measure international trade, new recommendations for international merchandise trade statistics were adopted by all Un member states through the UN Statistical Commission in 2010. Countries accept started implementing the new elements of these international standards, notably the trade by way of transport, trade by country of consignment, trade by inward and outward processing, reporting customs process codes, and imports valuation on an Fob basis. And in addition, countries are encourage to provide the data elements to global repository of official international trade statistics database (Un Comtrade) maintained past UN Statistics Division.

quaternary UN Conference on Big Information

  • Bogota, Colombia
  • eight - 10 November 2017

Big Data, authoritative data and traditional statistical data sources should exist treated together via a multi-source approach; the challenge is non to overcome problems of using Large Data in itself, but to attain trusted information collaboration; and in that respect the UN Global Working Group on Big Data needs a collaborative Global Platform for the overall organization of its work. Information collaboratives are a new challenge and new opportunity for the community of official statistics - in relation to Large Data, to the SDGs, to the sharing of data, services, technologies, and know how.

Regional Workshop on the Compilation of the Tourism Satellite Account
Organized jointly past UNSD and the Earth Tourism Organization

  • Manila, Philippines
  • 19-20 June 2017

The purpose of the workshop is to explain what a Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) is, how it tin be used for national tourism policies, and what the challenges are to compile it. The TSA provides a coherent framework to integrate and analyse the diverseness of economic statistics relevant to tourism, both on the supply (manufacture) side and on the demand (tourist) side. The TSA also provides an economic measure of the importance of tourism in terms of expenditures, GDP and employment which are comparable with similar measures for the overall economy.

Seminar on Accounting for Global Value Chains

  • Luxembourg
  • vi-eight June 2017

This seminar will discuss the problems which have been brought up in the training of the Handbook on Accounting for Global Value Chains: extended national accounts and integrated business statistics. The main objective of the Handbook is to provide a high-level overview of how economic statistics tin be made more accurate and relevant in measuring the furnishings of globalization in national accounts and concern statistics.

Regional Workshop on International Merchandise Trade Statistics
Organized by the Community Services of Maldives and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD)

  • MalĂ©, Maldives
  • 3-half-dozen April 2017

Equally an ongoing capacity evolution project to strengthen trade information compilation and belittling capacity, the workshop'southward objectives are to accost questions regarding methodology and challenges in data compilation of International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) ; exchange country experiences with problems such every bit data acquisition, data compilation strategies and information dissemination related to compilation of IMTS; plant close cooperation amongst institutions which are providing, compiling and using trade statistics and; acquire practical knowledge in trade data analysis through the use of TradeSift and data visualization. The ultimate goal is to enable compilers to produce international trade trade statistics of the highest quality and enable compilers and users to analyze trade statistics relevant to their needs.


Regional Workshop on International Trade Statistics
Organized by UNSD in cooperation with UNESCAP and ECO and hosted past the State Statistical Committee of Turkmenistan

  • Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
  • 26 – 29 September 2016

The objective of the workshop is to ameliorate the agreement of international recommendations on international merchandise trade statistics and on international trade in services statistics, to share hands-on experiences in data acquisition, data compilation strategies (including data standardization and checking), data quality framework and data analysis and dissemination amidst merchandise statistics compilers. Furthermore, the discussion will exist touching upon the improvement of data access and flow within national statistical systems with better coordination and cooperation among data providers and compilers. The ultimate goal is to produce the highest quality of international trade in appurtenances and services statistics, which are relevant for the policy makers at home and which are too comparable at the regional and international levels.

3rd International Conference on Big Information for Official Statistics

  • Dublin, Republic of ireland
  • 30 Aug - 1 Sep 2016

In line with the priorities of piece of work and with the urgent needs for back up of SDG indicators, the third Global Conference on Big Data for Official Statistics wants to take the side by side steps in the utilization of Big Information in the production of official statistics, namely by (1) providing guidance for access to proprietary information and for successful partnerships with data owners, past (2) providing training courses on topics such as methodology, IT tools and project management related to Big Data, and by (iii) supporting projects, which demonstrate the utilize of Big Data for official statistics, and specially for the compilation of SDG indicators.

Fifth International Conference on Establishment Surveys (ICES-Five)

  • Geneva, Switzerland
  • 20 - 23 June 2016

The Fifth International Conference on Establishment Surveys (ICES-V) will take place on 20-23 June 2016 in Geneva and is organized past Statistics Sweden, the Swiss Federal Statistical Function, UNECE, Eurostat, OECD, UNCTAD, the US Department of Agriculture and the Us Bureau of Labor Statistics. UNSD is involved in three invited sessions, namely in a session on global value chains (GVCs) and measurement of interconnectedness of economies, a session on International Merchandise and Globalization and 1 on Developing and mainstreaming business concern statistics in depression and eye income countries. The program is overall very rich and contains v or 6 parallel sessions on each of the iv time slots of the day, and contains sessions, which are all straight relevant for the work programme of UNSD on trade and economic globalization statistics, such as on house heterogeneity, statistical units and the quality of business organization registers.

Joint GCC-STAT/UNSD Regional Workshop on International Merchandise Trade Statistics
Organized by GCC-STAT and UNSD

  • Muscat, Sultanate of oman
  • 7-10 February 2016

The objective of the workshop is to meliorate the understanding of international recommendations on international merchandise merchandise statistics and to share hands-on experiences in information conquering, data compilation strategies (including data standardization and checking), data quality framework and data analysis and dissemination among trade statistics compilers. Furthermore, the discussion will exist touching upon the improvement of data access and flow within national statistical systems with better coordination and cooperation among data providers and compilers. The ultimate goal is to produce the highest quality of international merchandise trade statistics, which are relevant for the policy makers at home and which are also comparable at the regional and international levels. The seminar would be attended by official statisticians from national statistical offices as well as from customs departments. One of the goals of workshop is to bring the communities of statisticians closer together both nationally and internationally.

Expert Group Meeting - Handbook on a Organisation of Extended International and Global Accounts

  • New York, Us
  • 26-28 January 2016

Following Determination 46/107 taken by the Statistical Committee at its 46th session in 2015, a handbook on a system of extended international and global accounts will be prepared, which will serve as the measurement framework for international trade and economic globalization. This handbook will build on existing piece of work in this area, in detail by the UNECE, the OECD and Eurostat, and accost issues of micro-data linking of business and merchandise statistics, besides as address the integration of economical, environmental and social dimensions of trade and globalization as an extension of the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA) and the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 (SEEA 2012).


2d Global International Conference on Large Data for Official Statistics
Organized past the National Agency of Statistics of UAE, the Un Statistics Partition and the Australian Agency of Statistics

  • Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  • 20-22 October 2015

This conference intends to take the development of Big Information one pace further. Thus far, many examples of Big Data projects have been demonstrated. Now, the focus will exist on lessons learned on the basis of detailed descriptions of those case studies. This is a first step towards guidance on using Big Information for Official Statistics, which can stimulate training, pilot projects and bringing pilot projects into the production surround. Therefore, the theme of the second global briefing is 'moving from examples to guidelines'.

International Workshop on the Business organization Annals, Economical Census and Integrated Economic Statistics
Organized by UNSD and INEGI

  • Aguascalientes, Mexico
  • 29 September – 1 October 2015

The objective of the workshop is for participating countries to share experience and knowledge in maintaining and linking the SBR to economic statistics for creating an integrated economic statistics programme, in running an Economical Demography, and using administrative information.

In addition, certain challenges and obstacles and solutions volition be discussed, including the revision of laws relating to the admission of information on individual establishments for statistical purposes; adjustment statistical concepts and definitions to the administrative units available; standardizing and linking information from the SBR to external information sources; replacing questionnaires with information available from the economic demography, and/or the SBR.


Regional Seminar on International Trade Statistics
Organized past UNSD, DGCIS, Ministry of Commerce and Industry and CSO, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of Bharat in cooperation with European union-ASEAN COMPASS projection

  • New Delhi, India
  • 3-six Nov 2014

The objective of seminar is to improve the understanding of these recommendations and to share experiences on how to maybe better the implementation in national statistical systems with amend coordination and cooperation among information providers and compilers. And the ultimate goal is to produce the highest quality of international merchandise statistics, which are relevant for the policy makers at home and which are besides comparable at the regional and international levels.

The seminar would be attended by official statisticians from national statistical offices equally well as from central banks. I of the goals of seminar is to bring the communities of statisticians closer together both nationally and internationally. Inside the framework of Integrated Economic Statistics, it is necessary for national stakeholders to establish working advice channel, collaborate in finding solutions for measurement problems and streamline the production of statistics. At the applied side, the key bank and the statistical office demand to piece of work together to produce high-quality trade and balance of payment statistics for prove-based policy making.

International Conference on Big Data For Official Statistics
Organized past the United Nations Statistics Segmentation (UNSD) and National Bureau of Statistics of Cathay

  • Beijing, People's republic of china
  • 28 – 30 October 2014

Innovations in engineering, broad apply of electronic devices and the all-around generation of digital information brings fundamental changes to the availability of real-fourth dimension information, such as information from GPS devices, from mobile phones or from social media. These loftier-volume and sometimes loosely structured data sources, unremarkably referred to as Big Data, are different from conventional information sources for official statistics, and have many challenges in their awarding. The business case nevertheless needs to be made for many statistical offices if, why and how Big Data are useful for official statistics.

The statistical community has recognized the potential use of large data for official statistics. The UN Statistical Committee therefore established in March 2014 a global working group mandated to provide strategic vision, direction and coordination of a global programme on Big Data for official statistics, to promote practical use of sources of Big Information for official statistics, while finding solutions for their challenges, and to promote capacity edifice and sharing of experiences in this respect.

Friends of the Chair Group on International Trade and Economic Globalization
Skillful Meeting organized by UNSD and hosted past INEGI

  • Aguascalientes, Mexico
  • 2 October 2014

Friends of the Chair on International Trade and Economic Globalization will see for the second time to discuss progress made during the period 2013-2014 and to finalize the concept paper on the measurement of international trade and economic globalization along with programme of work and coordination mechanism for submission to Statistical Commission at its 46th session in 2015.

International Briefing on Measurement of Trade and Economic Globalization
Organized past UNSD and INEGI in cooperation with OECD, WTO and Eurostat

  • Aguascalientes, Mexico
  • 29 September – ane October 2014

In recent years, concerns were raised about the shortcomings of the existing official merchandise statistics for the purpose of reflecting bilateral economical relations. The loftier level important content in exports makes gross bilateral merchandise statistics unsuitable for bilateral trade negotiations. Merchandise analysis requires new measures which meliorate reflect the level of interdependencies among countries engaged in global value chains (GVCs). In guild to sympathise the true nature of trade relationships, information technology is necessary to know what each country along a global value chain contributes to the value of a terminal product. In improver, it is important to understand how that contribution is linked to those of other suppliers in other countries coming earlier and afterwards along the concatenation, and how much employment and income is generated through this value addition.

Within this context the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and Instituto Nacional de EstadĂ­stica y GeografĂ­a (INEGI) in cooperation with Arrangement for Economical Co-functioning and Evolution (OECD), World Merchandise Organization (WTO) and Eurostat are organizing an international briefing on the measurement of trade and economic globalization.

The objective of this international conference is to hash out conceptual and practical ways of measuring merchandise and economic globalization, through the agreement of comprehensive statistical frame, global production and business practices, requirements and micro-information compilation for a global Supply-Use Table, firm heterogeneity and the impact of global production on national, regional and global economy. This international conference volition join international and national experts in the compilation of trade, business or national account statistics and analysts/researchers who are interested in measuring trade and economic globalization.

Regional Seminar on International Merchandise Statistics: Implementation of recommendations
Organized jointly by the African Union Commission (AUC) and the United nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in collaboration with the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)

  • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • 12 - 16 May 2014

The African Marriage Commission (AUC) and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) organize jointly a Regional Seminar on International Trade Statistics in collaboration with the African Evolution Bank (AfDB) and the United Nations Economic Committee for Africa (UNECA) from 12 to sixteen May 2014 at the AUC Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The objective of this seminar is to strengthen the chapters of the national statistical systems of countries throughout the African continent in statistics of international merchandise in goods and services. This activity forms a meaning part of the broader try to improve integrated economic statistics through the implementation of the 2008 Arrangement of National Accounts.

This seminar volition join national experts in the compilation of international trade trade statistics (IMTS), statistics of international trade in services, and the goods and services accounts of the rest of payments. The agenda is meant to elicit hands-on discussion and focuses on the status and, peculiarly, the challenges encountered in the implementation of the international recommendations in these fields. A specific item on the calendar is the study of the results of the IMTS quality assessment questionnaire, along with selected issues of concern. Other topics are bridging IMTS and BOP, informal cantankerous border trade, linking merchandise and the business register, FATS, and information dissemination. This articulation activity is an of import component in the overall endeavor to better evidence-based policy making in Africa.

Strengthening Statistical Capacity for International Merchandise and Tourism
Lunchtime Seminar during the 45th Statistical Commission organized past UNSD

  • New York, Us
  • 5 March 2014

At the Ninth Ministerial Briefing, held in Bali, Indonesia, from three to 7 December 2013, ministers adopted the "Bali Package", a series of decisions aimed at streamlining trade, allowing developing countries more options for providing nutrient security, boosting least-adult countries' trade and helping development more generally. It will reduce the cost of trading, polish the flow of goods across borders and provide more certainty for concern. To the lowest degree developed countries volition too benefit from increased admission to markets for goods and services in adult countries. At the same fourth dimension, Eu-US merchandise and investment negotiations have made steady progress in the terminal eight months.

Within this context, high quality and timely official statistics on international trade and tourism remain extremely of import. As a collaborative effort, the international organizations (Eurostat, IMF, OECD, WTO, UNWTO, and UNSD) present their views and outline their efforts to strengthen the chapters of the national statistical systems, specially in the developing countries. The just completed draft Compilers guides for statistics of international trade in services and for tourism statistics will be briefly introduced, and explanation will exist given on the outstanding work on compilation guidance. Reference volition too be fabricated to the Compilation Guide for BPM6 and the Compilers transmission for IMTS 2010.

Moreover, the agencies will report on recent and upcoming technical cooperation and capacity-edifice programs, such as Eurostat's MEDSTAT seminars; WTO's efforts on merchandise in services; UNWTO's capacity building programme for Tourism statistics; IMF'southward technical help programmes and UNSD'due south capacity-building seminars on merchandise and tourism statistics. In many cases, the international agencies also as experts from advanced statistical offices join forces in the capacity development activities.

Managing the Data Revolution: Integrated Statistics and Partnerships in Information for Statistical Organizations in the post-2015 era
United Nations Statistical Commission

  • New York, United states of america
  • 28 February 2014

The Friday Seminar on Emerging Issues has as its theme this yr: "Managing the Information Revolution: Integrated Statistics and Partnerships in Data for Statistical Organizations in the Postal service-2015 Era". It will provide the setting for an interactive dialogue betwixt the providers of official statistics and their existing and prospective partners in data on the formulation of shared statistical objectives within the context of the post-2015 evolution agenda.

For example, engagement with business around corporate sustainability means working on a partnership regarding robust and internationally agreed accountability measures in social club to brand business commitments transparent and to ensure that progress towards them is existent. Civil society as a partner may atomic number 82 to finding new data sources to measure out an enabling environment of societies, , whereas research institutes like the Earth Resources Constitute (WRI) are invaluable in increasing sources of information on many topics like a sustainable food future, or ecosystems and human well-being. Recently, WRI developed map-based monitoring platforms for deforestation (Global Wood Picket) and water direction (Aqueduct Water Chance Atlas). These map-based monitoring systems demonstrate the power of partnerships in sharing purpose, techniques, knowledge and information.

These success stories should pb to further information initiatives where the official statistical community can play a pregnant function by sharing their cognition of statistical methods and techniques, but also by giving access to their micro-information on businesses, households, individuals and land cover. Cooperation with the national statistical offices (NSOs) can too strengthen the credibility of these data initiatives through the independence and trust of national statistical offices (NSOs).

NSOs need to ready themselves for the high demands that will inevitably ascend from the mail service-2015 development agenda for integrated economic, social and ecology statistics. They should innovate innovations in their structures, systems and processes to increment their efficiency and power to adapt to new requests. Moreover their adoption of the corporate business architecture based on standardized statistical information models will enhance the flexibility in business operations and enable the sharing of methods, components, processes and data repositories within their system and across statistical organizations. Besides, advancing open and like shooting fish in a barrel access to micro-data volition increment the relevance and value of the official statistics, and will further the NSOs in delivering their mission in the post-2015 era.


International Seminar on Merchandise and Tourism Statistics
Organized jointly by UNSD, APEC and Association of southeast asian nations Secretariat, hosted by BPS-Statistics Indonesia with back up from AANZFTA ECWP and APEC TATF

  • Jakarta, Indonesia
  • 7 - 10 October 2013

The United nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the ASEAN Secretariat with back up of BPS-Statistics Indonesia and the APEC secretariat volition organize an International Seminar on Trade and Tourism Statistics from 7 to 10 October 2013 at the headquarters of BPS-Statistics Indonesia in Djakarta, Republic of indonesia.

The agenda of the workshop will cover topics such every bit a new approach for the measurement of international Trade and Global Value Chains, the MSITS 2010 Compilers Guide and the Compilation Guide for Tourism Statistics. Specific topics will include enterprise and establishment surveys; surveys of persons and households; Travel and Tourism statistics; Transportation statistics; Manufacturing services on inputs endemic by others; FATS, FDI and multi-national enterprises; Guidelines for Statistical Business Registers; and linking trade, FDI and FATS with the business register.

Friends of the Chair Group on International Trade and Economical Globalization
Un Statistical Commission - Expert Meeting

  • New York, Usa
  • 6-8 November 2013

At the about recent session of the Statistical Commission in 2013, the United Nations Statistics Division presented an overview report International Trade Statistics (Written report of the Secretary-General, E/CN.3/2013/vii) of the work undertaken in the field of international trade statistics on topics such equally integrated economic statistics, linking trade and business statistics, merchandise and global production, trade in value added, statistics of multinational enterprises and strange direct investment. The report described the policy questions regarding international trade in a world in which production processes are spread among many countries creating not merely economic and fiscal interdependencies only likewise social and environmental ones. The report so highlighted the growing concerns regarding the limitations of current merchandise statistics to inform the policy debate. Some phenomena, which are difficult to measure and for which adequate data are lacking, include intra-firm trade, foreign control, manufacturing services performed on inputs endemic by others, and transfers of intellectual property products.

While there are many international task teams working on these measurement problems in various areas of international trade and economic globalization (run into annex iii), an overarching framework and systematic coordination are lacking. The Commission recognized See Conclusion 44/106 in E/2013/24 the need for such framework and coordination and agreed to the creation of a "friends of the chair" group tasked with preparing a concept paper on the scope and content of the framework, and on the advisable mechanism for coordination.

Regional Workshop on Travel and International Tourism Consumption
Organized by UNSD and the CARICOM Secretariat

  • Roseau, Commonwealth of dominica
  • 14 – 17 May 2013

UNSD is organizing, in close collaboration with the CARICOM Secretariat, a training workshop on compilation issues of Travel and Tourism Statistics for the Caribbean countries from 14 to 17 May 2013 in Roseau, Dominica, which will exist hosted by the Primal Statistical Office of Dominica.

The agenda of the workshop will encompass topics such as: the merchandise in services and tourism statistics and its their role in the statistical organisation, travel and tourism compilation including measuring employment, related classification and data quality and metadata and besides tourism satellite accounts.

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